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A Guide That Will Help Seniors Survive the Endless Allergy Season
Seemingly endless pollen particles and other allergens become thick in the air as allergy season moves in for millions of people in the US. For senior citizens, allergy season is much more serious, interfering with their overall health and well-being. Fortunately, there are a number of different ways that home health care can help seniors manage during allergy season.
What is Allergy Season?
When the weather becomes warmer, it brings with it seasonal allergies. You may have heard these more commonly referred to as ‘hay fever.’ The warm weather also brings in airborne allergens as well, such as molds and pollen. When the level of rainfall is higher than usual in the winter and spring, allergy season is even worse.
What Are the Risks That Seniors Face During Allergy Season?
While everyone is susceptible to suffering during allergy season, it presents a number of unique challenges for seniors. The reason for this is that the pollen in the air aggravates certain existing conditions, such as pulmonary and cardiac issues.
Younger people are often able to rely on antihistamines to reduce the effects of allergies. However, antihistamines are not recommended for most seniors because of the risk of increased blood pressure and interactions with their regular medications. Therefore, seniors usually have to rely on other types of treatment in order to find relief from seasonal allergies.
How To Help Seniors Get Through the Allergy Season Safely?
There are several preventative measures that you can take to help seniors make it through the allergy season safely with a smile. The first step is to avoid known allergens. If your loved one likes to take walks, choose an indoor location, like a mall, until allergy season is over. Avoid grassy areas, areas with a large amount of foliage, and freshly mowed lawns. Beaches tend to have the lowest pollen levels.
During allergy season, it is best to keep windows closed. Seniors tend to enjoy an open window at night. However, during allergy season, an open window at night is an invitation for mold or pollen to drift in as your loved one slumbers.
Make sure senior care services include access to air conditioning. This will help to clean the air in your home and reduce the amount of mold and pollen. Doing this will effectively reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.
Professional senior care giving involves knowing what is going on around you. Pollen count fluctuates from one day to the next. Therefore, it is beneficial to plan daily activities associated with in-home care in Washington, DC accordingly. Try to avoid activities outside when the pollen levels are high. If you do plan to be outside for extended periods of time, it is a good idea to wear a paper respiratory mask that will help lower exposure to any allergens in the air.
Other ways private duty home care professionals help seniors during allergy season include using a clothes dryer as opposed to outdoor line drying, take showers after being outdoors, and learn to recognize the symptoms and seek medical assistance when necessary.
How Do Caregivers at Capital City Nurses Provide Care Services To Your Loved Ones?
Capital CityNurses is dedicated to helping your loved one remain independent with dignity. The home health care services that we provide are designed to give seniors everything that they need while keeping them safe. Our senior companion programs provide in-home care, rehab and post-op care, and medication management.
We understand that an important part of elderly care is keeping seniors safe and comfortable during allergy season. If you are planning for future in-home care for yourself, or your loved one is ready for in-home nursing care, we will take good care of you.Contact Capital CityNurses for more information.