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Capital City Nurses Creates the Safe Home Environment for Your Beloved Seniors
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) report that falls are very common for those over the age of 65.They estimate that every second of the day a fall occurs, with over36 million reported per year. These reports include injuries, with over 3 million seniors treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries, and 300,000 of those are diagnosed with hip fractures. Even more tragically, approximately 32,000 seniors die each year from falls or fall-related complications.
Falls may be the leading cause of injury for seniors, but they are not the only concern. Seniors may mistakenly combine medications, miss medications, or have an emergency medical event occur and not have the ability to call for help. Isolation,difficulties in food preparation and eating nutritious meals, and problems with memory can all increase the risk for the senior.
At Capital City Nurses in Alexandria, VA, our senior care services create a safe home environment for your loved ones. Our caregivers will assist in reducing potential risks in the home, including making recommendations to reduce the risks of slips and falls in the bathroom, kitchen, and throughout the home.
Why is it Important to Create a Safe Home Environment for Seniors?
Keeping your loved one safe in their home is our goal through the Capital City Nurses home health care agency.Our Registered Nurses provide a complete assessment of each of our clients, addressing any potential needs. Each of our caregivers is trained in providing the highest level of in-home care services,including proactively addressing risks in the home to create a safe place for your aging parents or family members.
How to Create a Safe Living Environment for Your Loved Ones
We have special programs for Alzheimer's and Dementia care,including creating routines and safe spaces for your loved one to be able to stay at home as long as possible. Our professional senior care giving staff continually monitors the client, identifying additional needs and modifying the plan to accommodate issues as they occur.
We also offer specialized rehab and post-op care,ensuring your loved one attends medical appointments, continues with rehab treatment recommendations, and follows all instructions for recovery. We also offer medication management as part of our in-home care,eliminating the fear of missed medications or taking medications incorrectly. Our team is always here to answer your questions and provide information to keep your loved ones safe.
How a Safe Home Environment at Capital City Nurses Helps Seniors to Live Happier and Healthier Lives
Our in-home care services provide support, education,and information for family caregivers. Our team in the senior companion program works with the family to identify possible safety risks and to add the necessary safety equipment. This could include seated benches for bathing, grab bars in the bathroom, and removing area rugs or other things that may pose a trip or fall risk.
To find out more about our compassionate, caring, companionship care in Alexandria, VA,call Capital City Nurses at (866)807-7307.