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Shop Smart for Seniors This Holiday Season
Does Grandma really need another pair of slippers?
At Capital City Nurses, we know the holidays can be daunting. Long lists of shopping for family and friends, holiday feasts to plan, decorations to hang—this season of peace can be extremely stressful. This year, instead of relying on the classics, like slippers, why not get the seniors on your list something that could change their lives and their outlooks?
Here are our favorite gift suggestions for the holiday season:
- Technology. Getting a tablet or computer for a senior may not be the most obvious choice, but it might be the best present they ever get. Studies have shown that technology keeps seniors minds’ sharp, helps them stay connected to the outside world, and expands their horizons. Give your aging loved one the gift of tech, and spend a few hours teaching them how to navigate the web. It will open a whole new world up for them.
- Classes. Has Grandma always wanted to learn French? Does Grandpa have a passion for history? Get them learning again by signing them up for classes at local community colleges or senior centers. Studies have shown that learning, especially languages, helps keep the mind sharp as we age. It will also give your loved one exciting new experiences.
- Upgrades. Do your parents live in a safe home? Are you sure? This Christmas, why not make their home the safest place to be with a few upgrades? Consider your parents’ mobility before you get started. Do they need a chair lift? Or would better, brighter lighting to help their vision be a good choice? Work with your parents to pinpoint little home improvements that will make their living space safer and more convenient.
- Reliable Visitors. If your loved one is having trouble navigating their house or completing weekly errands, perhaps some help is needed. Capital City Nurses offers a Daughter Down the Street program that is ideal for independent seniors who may need a little extra help during the week.
This holiday season, skip the slippers and give a gift that can have a lasting impact on the seniors in your life. Focus on giving that lasts long after the celebrating is over.
Posted on
December 10, 2015
Capital City Nurses