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Resolutions for a Happy New Year

As the page turns on 2015, it’s time to look back on the year that was and make some decisions about the year you’re going to have. The traditional way to play for 2016 is to make a New Year’s Resolution. We all know that most resolutions fly by the wayside sometime in February, so it’s important to make a commitment you can stick to.

At Capital City Nurses, we believe seniors and their caregivers should make a resolution that will help them age successfully in the coming months. Here are our favorite resolutions for 2016:

  1. Get Out. Sure, it’s nice to stay in for a quiet evening or two, but when seniors stay in, it can be dangerous. The National Council on Aging found that socially isolated seniors had higher rates of physical illness as well as reported feelings of depression. This year, make the commitment to engage with your community. Go to a local senior center, schedule weekend lunch date with friends and family, or simply go out in the world to run your errands.
  2. Get Moving. Exercise is one of the most important ways to help an aging body. The CDC notes that regular exercise helps seniors avoid falls and live at home more successfully. This doesn’t mean you have to commit to bench pressing 200 lbs. or running a marathon, just try to work in 30 minutes of activity a day. If you’ve been sedentary for a while, move for 5 minutes and work your way up. A walk, gardening, water aerobics, pick an activity that appeals to you and will keep you motivated.
  3. Get Interested. Wisdom is often said to come with age, so seniors should be wise enough to know they don’t know it all. Keeping your brain engaged is a great way to stave off mental decay as you age. Studies have shown that learning a new language is an especially effective way to hone mental abilities. Challenge yourself in 2016 with a class you’ve always wanted to take. Check out local colleges and senior programs for lists of great classes that can get you motivated.

Whether you’re looking forward to another wonderful year, or hoping to make some changes for a better 2016, these three resolutions will help you enjoy the next 12 months.

Posted on
January 12, 2016
Capital City Nurses