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It Pays to Plan Ahead with Aging
When Ann Cochran first noticed her father was losing his mental capacity, she brushed it off. But when her systems for keeping her father on track started failing, Cochran had to acknowledge that it was time for help. She began by hiring part time caregivers to spend time with her father, taking him shopping, helping manage his medication and ensuring that he was eating well. As the dementia began to erode his mind, however Cochran knew she’d have to seek a permanent solution for her father’s health needs.
Cochran’s story isn’t a new one. At Capital City Nurses, we know that having reliable care is one of the best ways to ensure aging loved ones and their families are able to enjoy the aging process. In Cochran’s article, Navigating the Local Eldercare System: A First Person Account, she quotes Capital City’s Shaun Toomey on the necessity of elder care. “The need is there and the demand is increasing,” says Toomey. Cochran also discusses Capital City’s Cottage at Curry Manor and the luxuries the refined residential living offers its inhabitants.
What can we learn from Cochran’s moving article?
The best thing you can do for your aging loved ones is help them plan ahead. Consider your family’s medical history. If diseases like dementia run in your family, you should get frequent medical screenings so that diagnosis and treatment can begin early.
It also behooves families to get legal issues handled early. A power of attorney decree is easier and less expensive than petitioning the courts for guardianship. Talk with your loved ones about their wishes and who they would like making decisions for them if they are incapable.
Finally, and most importantly, financial planning is the essential part of any aging person’s life. It’s not enough to research retirement. A medical condition or accident could quickly dwindle retirement funds if your loved one is not prepared. Take time to research caregiving rates and the fees of residential facilities and make room in your budget for them, should necessity require it.
If you have a loved one who’s approaching the senior years, take time to sit down with them and plan ahead. A bit of preparation can mean a happy and successful aging process for you and your loved one.