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How is the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacting Home Health Care?
If you or a loved one are thinking about home health care, but aren’t sure how available it is in the midst of the current global health crisis, here is what you need to know:
Is There Still a Need for Regular Home Health Care Right Now?
There is absolutely still a need for providers of home health care during this health crisis. While most home health care providers are not looking to add new clients at this time, emergency referrals and those already in assisted living communities are at the top of the list for receiving services despite slowed operations.
Though the world seems to be closed, there is still and will always be a need for assistance to those coming home from the hospital, moving into or out of assisted living, and more.
Health Care Providers – Today’s Heroes
During the COVID-19 crisis, the public has been quick to acknowledge just how hard health care providers are working to keep us all safe and healthy. This is especially true of those providing care for the most vulnerable members of the population.
The same way a soldier on the front lines is the most important member of their force – and in the most peril – so are the health care providers at the front lines of this pandemic. They are guarding their clients, families, and everyone else against the worst of the danger while continuing to provide excellent, compassionate care.
Keeping Caregivers Safe
There are plenty of ways that today’s health care companies are keeping their employees safe. From daily health and temperature screens to extra support, training, and provision of equipment, every level of the health care industry is working overtime to keep themselves and their patients healthy and safe.
Do you or a loved one need home health care services? Don’t wait! Contact Capital City Nurses today to learn more about the availability of home health care providers in your area during this pandemic and beyond.