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Hack The Aging Process
Aging is often considered a hard process. Our bodies can get weaker, our minds can struggle to retain information, and our daily life can become a bit more complex. But much like most complex things, there are shortcuts that one can take to simplify the aging process.
One of the easiest ways to simplify aging? Technology. Though traditionally seniors and technology have had an acrimonious relationship, this new generation of seniors is far more computer literate than in the past. By embracing gadgets and new machines, seniors can stay healthy and stay connected.
These hacks might not turn back the clock, but they can help seniors and the ones that love them simplify the aging process. Here is a list of the best tech products to add to your home.
BeClose. The perfect way for working families to check on elderly loved ones throughout the day. BeClose is a wireless sensor system that can be placed around a senior’s house. Users can log in and see what sensors have been activated during the day. It’s a great system for checking to see if your loved one has opened the medicine cabinet in time for their meds, or even opened the front door to leave their home.
TabSafe. If managing medication is becoming difficult for a loved one, TabSafe could be the cure. A machine that manages the distribution of medications, TabSafe can be programed to give precise doses at precise times. It’s a great way for seniors who have vision or dexterity problems to get accurate and timely doses of their daily medications.
Telikin. A simple touch-screen device that allows you to call, video chat, or email at the tap of a screen. You can connect to your family and friends using this easy to manage tablet. The best part? All the software is installed when it arrives at your home, just plug it in and get connected to your family and friends.
Whether you’re getting to your golden years or simply looking out for a senior, technology is a great asset for aging.