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Glimpse Your Future with Science
Do you have any idea what life will be like when you’re 80?
Genetics and a look at your senior family members might offer you a clue, but scientists are working on creating ways for people to experience aging without the years or medical problems.
Applied Minds LLC has created the R70i, a suit that ages the wearer 40 years. The exoskeleton works in tandem with an Oculus virtual reality headset to impair vision and hearing, reduce mobility, and add weight to the wearer. In essence, you can experience all the medical drawbacks of aging. The suit will be used by insurance company Genworth Financial to help them predict the physical risks of muscle deterioration, arthritis, and more.
Why would anyone want to age forty years in a matter of minutes?
The inventors of R70i believe that the suit can help companies effectively understand the aging process, and the risks that accompany it. Medical research teams can use the suit to simulate the aging process when investigating common risks for seniors, caregiver companies could use the suits to help employees understand the challenges facing their charges, and the R70i suit could help innovators learn about the how the needs of seniors change as they age.
Tech companies are also working on ways to monitor senior health without intrusive machines. The Bodycap e-Celsius might be the newest way for medical professionals to take vitals for seniors. The e-pill is a small, swallowable pill which can track temperature, fluctuation in vital signs, and even spot irregular patterns in body functions that will predict a future illness. Imagine having the ability to monitor a senior’s heart, without dragging an EKG around.
Whether monitoring vitals or letting the able bodied experience rapid aging, technology is helping us understand the aging process in new and innovative ways.