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Experience Personalized Attention With In Home Nursing Care
When a friend or family member is no longer able to live on their own safely, many options may be considered. While some people turn to nursing homes to ensure that their elderly loved one is safe and cared for, others don’t like the idea of relocating them out of their home and placing them in a foreign environment. If your opinion is more in line with the latter, in home care can be a wonderful alternative. Capital City Nurses is an established, family owned provider of in home care. Our experienced nurses provide a level of personalized attention that cannot be matched.
One on One
A challenge facing most nursing homes is that they have more residents than staff members. Because most nurses are assigned to many patients at a time, it can become overwhelming for them. Their job becomes task oriented and personalized care for each individual resident suffers. Through no fault of their own the staff members provide care to the best of their abilities, but they know that there are many other residents waiting on them and they cannot spend too much time with one resident at the expense of another. Home care nursing eliminates the staff to patient ratio problem and allows each nurse’s aide to fully connect with their client. They have the chance to get to know their personal clinical needs and can encourage their client to get more from themselves. Our CNA’s assist with household chores and laundry and routines add a whole new level of one on one personalized care.
No Room for Error
Nursing home staff can become overworked. Mistakes happen when people are overworked. When medications, balanced issues or other safety and health-care related needs are involved, there is no room for error. The in home nursing care provided by Capital City Nurses is unparalleled. Our nurses and our Care Coordinators take pride in their dedication to each client and they familiarize themselves with the specific needs of their clients. Whether a complicated medication regimen or following a strict dietary regulation, attention to detail is a priority.
The Comforts of Home
Finally, the decision to remain at home as we age has proven to be one of our greatest desires. The serenity and happiness of remaining in the comfort of your own home is a major factor when weighing your options for senior care. For many of our elders, this can make a difference in their emotional, mental and physical well-being, and it’s something that every family member or caregiver should take into consideration when choosing which route to take for personalized nursing care.