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Cold Weather Checklist
A handy list of tips for winterizing your home:
- Turn off your outside spigots to prevent build up of water in the pipes
- Have salt on hand to melt ice on walkways
- Insulate doors and windows with draft stoppers
- Have flashlights and spare batteries on hand (no candles, please)
- Stay warm by making sure you have supplied your heating oil (if applicable) and have lots of spare blankets handy.
- Always remember to be careful when using space heaters and follow safety instructions carefully.
- Turn down the temperature on your water heater (saves money, energy, and you from a scalding!)
- Run ceiling fans in reverse (to push down that rising warm air)
- Change the furnace filter and get it serviced.
Do you have any cold weather tips you’d like to share? Please send us an email!
Posted on
December 27, 2016