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Aging In Place In the New Millennium
Most aging Americans have a dream about aging in place. To do this, homes may need to be refitted with safety in mind. Grab bars might need to be installed in bathrooms, a chair lift might need to be added to the stairs, and perhaps a ramp and wheelchair accessible halls and doorways. It can be costly to refurbish a house for older residents, so seniors should consult a builder or look at suggested housing updates here.
Beyond better lighting and safety features, what other things can you do to help ensure you can age in place?
There are several different forms of technology that are designed to aid seniors in their homes. Beyond fall detection devices, there are now medication dispensing machines, sensors that can help track senior movements, and tablets or video chatting devices that will make staying connected to family members easy. If seniors don’t feel comfortable using technology, and don’t have a younger friend or relative that can show them the ropes, there are often classes at local senior centers that will show you how to operate essential devices.
Communities also have a role to play in successful aging in place. The Morningside Gardens community on the Upper West Side of New York City has made a concerted effort to refit their community with their older members in mind. Their new community center has been redesigned with senior mobility in mind. The center also offers senior-tailored health services and social programs to foster a sense of greater community and combat feelings of isolation that often plague seniors.
Finally, in the near future, if you want to age at home, you may need a companion – one that comes with a charger. Toyota recently invested $14 million into the development of an aging in place robot. The ElliQ is a revolutionary robot that works with a tablet to help seniors control technology in their households as well as connect with the outside world.
Aging in place is becoming an attainable goal as technology improves. Work with senior loved ones to prepare and the transition should be smooth.